Latest Industry News

This page provides what is called an “RSS feed” of some recent industry news relating to such topics as: drug addiction, treatment, medical detox, opioid/opiate abuse and more. The news source we have selected for the article feeds below is NIDA – the National Institute on Drug Abuse. There are however a myriad of other reputable news sources if you choose, such as: SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), for instance. All of these organizations and corresponding links may also be found on our Addiction Recovery Resources Page as well.

Please be aware that any and all article links below have not been vetted for accuracy by us, nor do they reflect (or not reflect) any of the opinions or experiences held with Palm Beach Suboxone. What we can state, however, is that NIDA is part of a larger federal government agency and by industry standards is considered to be a reputable news source.

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General Info

(561) 356-1657

3400 Burns Rd, #101, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410


"Premier Opioid Detox of South Florida"


We Proudly Support:

Color Blind Sober Living - Licensed and Certified and Credentialed

(561) 356-1657


Knowing the many difficulties inherent to those detoxing from opioid addictions, we strive to create a firm starting point in which the patient can create a foundation for long-term success in their personal sobriety. It is our steadfast goal to create a world of hope and strength for each patient, and to be their for them not only during detox, but throughout their journey to a whole new life.

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