Contact Palm Beach Suboxone
Here at Palm Beach Suboxone we fully understand what you are going through at this time. Whether you are currently active in your opioid addiction or at a point of just having recently stopped and in need of additional help, we have the staff and expertise in place to provide the complete care you need and deserve.
We are available for you by phone Monday through Friday at (561) 356-1657. You also have the option of sending us an email at info@palmbeachsuboxone.com.
For Medical Emergencies Call: 911
A Few Things About Us…
Additional Services
In addition to providing patients with Suboxone and Subutex therapies, Palm Beach Suboxone can recommend or provide supportive one-on-one therapy with a licensed, experienced drug & alcohol counselor as an adjunct to help medical detox patients improve their long-term sobriety success rates.
Holistic Services
We believe, and experience has shown, that the addition of holistic practices can substantially assist patients during the medical detoxification process. As such, we can also provide (or make referrals for) such services as: therapeutic massage, acupuncture, acupressure, Healing Touch, QiGong, aromatherapy and more.
Medical Services
In addition to her Suboxone certification, our physician is a licensed integrative medical doctor and provides a full scope of in-office medical services.
Confidential Email
General Info
(561) 356-1657
8645 N. Military Trail, #409, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
We Proudly Support:
(561) 356-1657
Knowing the many difficulties inherent to those detoxing from opioid addictions, we strive to create a firm starting point in which the patient can create a foundation for long-term success in their personal sobriety. It is our steadfast goal to create a world of hope and strength for each patient, and to be their for them not only during detox, but throughout their journey to a whole new life.